Friday, March 27, 2020

6 Questions For Self-Reflection (Larissa Marks - March 27, 2020)

Observation, Perspiration or Inspiration: 

Has anyone else experienced the feeling of disorientation this week? I will admit that our present circumstances have left me quite a bit untethered. Like many of us, my normal life has gone through some major adjustments, and I find myself figuring out how to regain my footing.

First, let us receive grace in this present moment we find ourselves in. It's new territory for us all. The disorientation is completely normal. (This is me talking to myself here, as well as whoever needs to hear it.) Second, let me offer something to you that has been helpful to my well-being, especially in times of disorientation and transition - the practice of self-reflection.

Have you ever found yourself in an unfamiliar shopping mall? If you have, you'll know that the first thing to do is to find the mall directory, and locate the "You are Here" dot on the map. Before you can get to where you want to be, you first need to determine where you presently are. If you don't do this, you're walking around aimless and disoriented.

The practice of self-reflection allows us to become more aware of our present surroundings and get oriented. Quite like looking for the "You are here" on the shopping mall directory, when we recognize where we are, we are more likely to live with a clearer sense of vision, direction, and purpose. Through self-reflection, we allow our hearts and minds to process and pay attention to the things beneath the surface of our lives - our feelings, our questions, our frustrations. And in that place, we are able to experience authentic, honest connection with God.

I invite you to make space today for self-reflection through considering a few questions. Take some quiet, undisturbed time to thoughtfully respond to the reflection questions below. It may help to get a pen and notebook to write down your responses. As you go through each question, give yourself freedom to listen to your soul's longings without judgement or self-editing.

1. In a few words or phrases, describe how you are presently doing.
2. How have you experienced God lately? What has he been saying to you and doing in your life?
3. What has been life-giving? What has been life-draining?
4. What things are presently occupying your mind and heart?
5. What are you most grateful for?
6. What are the hopes and desires you want to bring to God?

Allow this reflection exercise to lead you into a conversation with God.

Jesus, you are our friend in the eye of the storm. Help us fix our eyes on you, and you alone. Calm our fears, and fill us with peace. Draw us into your presence in a new way today. Let your way be our way. Guide us in our next steps - toward freedom, joy, and life. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

An Idea:
What is one life-giving activity you can do today to fuel your mind, body, and soul? Perhaps you'd like to take a walk in nature. Or call a loved one. Or list 10 things you're grateful for. Or take a long hot shower. Do that activity today, and take good care of yourself.

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