Monday, June 8, 2020

God's Heart For Justice and What That Means For Me (Larissa Marks - June 8, 2020)

Observation, Perspiration or Inspiration: 

This past weekend Steve and I, along with others from our church community, participated in a peaceful protest and march in Honolulu. With a crowd that was estimated to be around 10,000 people, we prayed and walked in support of racial justice, equality, and an end to systemic racism in our nation. It was powerful to grieve the racial inequality that continues to plague our world, speak out blessings of truth and love, and move with a host of others in longing for healing and shalom.

Justice is a felt need in our world today. But what is justice, exactly?

This video offers a great exploration of the biblical theme of justice, and considers how it's deeply rooted in the story-line of the Bible that leads to Jesus: Justice by the Bible Project

Micah 6:8 from The Message says this:

But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously.

In the midst of many voices calling for our attention, God makes it plain for his people. Live justice. Live compassion. Live humility. It's simple, but dare I say, not easy?

If it were easy, we'd have it all figured out. But nope, the world is full of injustice. And for those that are seeking to live justice, it can quickly becoming overwhelming. Where do I begin? What impact can I have? What does living justice mean for me? 

As I meditate on Scripture, consider our current culture and the call of believers in this place and time, and prayerfully listen to God, here are a few personal convictions I have about living justice:

  • I must not harden my heart. When I feel things like grief, anger, passion, or disillusionment, my heart is at a crossroads. I can allow these things to prompt my heart to soften to Jesus and his way. Or I can allow these things to cause my heart to harden and turn away from God and others. I choose to stay open and teachable before God.
  • I am on my own personal journey. I am primarily responsible for myself. So if I am committed to living justice, I must primarily work on myself, and focus on my personal learning, growth, and actions. 
  • I am interconnected with others on this journey. While my words and actions are up to me, my words and actions also impact and influence others. The faith life is done in community with others. I must look for mentors along the journey to lead and teach me. And I must look for ways to disciple others in the journey as well.
  • If I listen to God and pay attention to the stirrings of my spirit, I will know the next step. What is God saying to me about living justice today? How is the Holy Spirit prompting me to act? What area of justice work is my heart being moved by? I need to reflect on these questions, and respond with great faith. If I listen to God and take the next step, I will continue moving in the journey toward justice with God.
Let us remember the power and presence of God in us today. We go as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, with the authority to extend love, righteousness, justice, and mercy in a world that so desperately groans for more. Let's do that today.


God bless those who are discouraged. God bless those who are grieving. God bless those who are suffering. God bless those who are desperate. God bless those who care. God bless those who create peace. Amen.

An Idea:

What is God saying to you about living justice today? How is God prompting you to actively pursue and extend justice? 

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