Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Cloud - (Ben Fowler, June 3, 2020)

Observation, Perspiration or Inspiration: 

When the little child rose from her chair to go to recess, she knew it would be outside waiting for her.

It was a sunny day. A month before summer break. The playground teeming with other children; running, laughing, playing on their phones, sunshine on their shoulders. But directly over her head, the second she stepped out of the building, was a cloud.

This girl was special. Everyone loved and admired her. She lit up a room with her smile. All this promise. All this talent. All at 9 years old. She hoped someday she’d be famous. That summer she was planning on building her Tik Tok following. Maybe that would break the cloud. 

Her father worked the early shift so he could pick her up from school. He was her hero. They would talk about what she ate for lunch and stop for an ice cream cone at McDonald’s on their way home... "Don't tell your mother." But that day, they looked back and saw the blue lights flashing and pulled over to the side of the road.

“License and Registration”… “Yes, officer. I’m reaching into the glove compartment to get my papers.” "Where were you headed?” … “I was heading to McDonald’s with my daughter.” “Sir, step out of the vehicle” … “What did I do wrong?" "I said, step out of the vehicle."

Thirty minutes later. After six other officers arrive at the scene. Background checks complete. The daughter still in the passenger seat. The father re-enters the SUV. He starts the engine. Staring straight ahead. Silent. Seething. They drive. When they got home, she looked up and there it was, the cloud.

Although the cloud was plain as day to her, usually, only others with their own cloud could see it. Occasionally, someone who didn't look like her, could see it... but it was rare. It followed her around like the moon follows a car at night. Except, in her neighborhood it was always sunny-out, and everyone else enjoyed unimpeded warmth. 

One day, clouds began to form over her city. And the people who could see them began to grow in number. Something in the heavens broke and there was a thunderstorm. Then came the flood. No one could keep dry. For some, it was ok because they were used to the rain and the clouds. But others were not ready, because they had never seen clouds before. Now everything was in ruins. The whole city needed to be rebuilt. Everyone still in shock, began the work of restoration.

As the years passed, she didn't lose her spirit. She sped as fast as she could, trying to outrun the cloud. Occasionally she would tire. Or she would get pulled over. But alas, she began to feel the sunshine. She could not be overshadowed forever. Her heart had grown too strong. Even without the sunlight... she managed to keep her glow. 

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

-Matthew 5:3-5, 9


Lord, break on through. Break through the clouds. Break through the darkness.  We pray for your will to be done swiftly as we move through this storm. Comfort those who mourn. And empower us to support and care for one another. Maranatha. Amen.

An Idea:

Keep praying for God to show us what we can do personally. Keep praying for wisdom. Keep vigilant as the time draws nigh. 

1 comment:

  1. heartbreaking...moving...a reality for so many. A reminder to hold our brothers and sisters in our hearts, to grieve, to love, to support, to care, to act. Thank you for sharing (esp the video/narration!)
