Thursday, April 23, 2020

Are New Doors and Pathways Opening for You? (Brenda Wong - April 24, 2020)

Are New Doors and Pathways Opening for You?

I was thankful that our household would finally have a meal together. The food was looking and smelling great, but one of my roommates was on an important phone call. We ate without her and it was enjoyable but deep down inside I was so disappointed. Afterwards, she apologized and we had a good talk together.

What was happening inside of me? Why was I so disappointed? Later on that night, I realized that my deep craving for ‘ohana (family) time was not met for me in my house. It’s great to connect on computer or phone but it’s just not the same as simply hanging out with close friends for hours. God was merciful to help me survive and even thrive the first weeks of staying home but this next week seemed long as I saw lots of free time. The extrovert in me can have meaningful spiritual formation work, be active in church ministry, connect with friends with technology, take daily walks, and still have countless hours left each day, not just to scroll on social media or watch television.

This seems so insignificant in comparison to so many bigger tragedies around us. I grieve with friends who have lost loved ones. I grieve for those who are dying alone with COVID-19, especially health care worker and first responders who gave their lives to serve others. I grieve to know that Blacks and Natives like the Navajo nation experience a disproportionate amount of death and suffering. I grieve for those who are experiencing abuse at home. I grieve for those who have lost jobs and to know that the unemployment rate has gone from 3% to 37% in Hawai`i.

God’s invitation is not only for me to join him in the suffering around me, he is also inviting me to explore on a deeper level my personal disappointments and losses.

What’s happening for you as we are see that this is no longer a sprint but is more like a marathon? What’s happening when you decide not to numb your deeper feelings with entertainment, social media, food or other substances, social interaction and work?

As friends have prayed in this season, they received pictures of a cocoon and greenhouse. That really resonated with me as God is showing me that this is an rare opportunity to allow him to cleanse us deeply so that he can fill us with more with his presence. You might be experiencing personal losses, social isolation or feel overwhelmed with all that is needed during this pandemic. This time can be an opportunity to cultivate newness. When this is over, will we be more of who God is inviting us to be?

Deep growth in this season happens as we are honest about our disappointments and losses even if others have it much worst. God invites us to take a deeper look within ourselves, doing far more than just having us declutter our rooms or houses. God’s spirit will help us declutter our souls and spirits so he can dwell more deeply.

As I was willing to face deeper loneliness, God reveal to me more areas of my life that he wanted to heal. He also showed me that I depend too much on my outer world including people to fill me and bring me joy. What new joy does the Lord want to give me when I can’t go out and hang with close friends? How is he wanting to remake me? How is he making scripture come alive in my life? What about worshipping with the ukulele or guitar? Are there books that I have neglected that would be good for my soul? Is he inviting me to change the physical spaces of my life so that he can be more present? God’s putting it on my heart to pray more for my neighborhood and seek purposeful relationships with neighbors. Will I use this time wisely and be different when it’s over? Will people be transformed by God because of me?

Psalms 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God”. Isaiah 55:8 says “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Isaiah 43:19 says “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway though the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

What doors are closed to you now? How might God be creating something new in you?

Thank you Lord that you want to fill us in deeper ways and expand what it means to know you. Thank you that by your spirit you will show us new pathways and open doors. Thank you that you are bringing deeper healing and cleansing in our lives and exposing dark areas that you want to fill with light!

"We've All Been Exposed" a poem by Sarah Bourns

We’ve all been exposed.
Not necessarily to the virus
(maybe…who even knows).
We’ve all been exposed BY the virus.

Corona is exposing us.
Exposing our weak sides.
Exposing our dark sides.
Exposing what normally lays far beneath the surface of our souls,
hidden by the invisible masks we wear.
Now exposed by the paper masks we can’t hide far enough behind, Corona is exposing our addiction to comfort.
Our obsession with control.
Our compulsion to hoard.
Our protection of self.

Corona is peeling back our layers.
Tearing down our walls.
R​e​vealing our illusions.
Leveling our best-laid plans.

Corona is exposing the gods we worship:
Our health
Our hurry
Our sense of security.
Our favorite lies
Our secret lusts
Our misplaced trust.

Corona is calling everything into question:
What is the church without a building?
What is my worth without an income?
How do we plan without certainty?
How do we love despite risk?
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Corona is exposing me.
My mindless numbing
My endless scrolling
My careless words
My fragile nerves.

We’ve all been exposed.
Our junk laid bare.
Our fears made known.
The band-aid torn.
The masquerade done.

So what now? What’s left?
Clean hands
Clear eyes
Tender hearts.

What Corona reveals, God can heal.

Come, Lord Jesus.
Have mercy on us.

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