Monday, May 18, 2020

If you're feeling disconnected and discouraged (Angie Gibbons - May 18, 2020)

Observation, Perspiration or Inspiration: 

Is anyone struggling with discouragement?

We are wired for connection with other humans. Is it any wonder that this forced disconnection is difficult for us in a myriad of ways?

Maybe you have had one or more of the following thoughts recently:

  • I'm not sure how much my friends really care about me or value me.
  • Everything feels different within my community now.
  • Maybe my friends or church members aren't as invested in me as I am in them.
  • When the quarantine lifts, I won’t go back to church (or other social activities)

You are not the only one. Social isolation is tough! It’s no joke. It is not good for the human soul. And one of Satan's ploys is to try to make us feel that we are the only ones who feel the way we do and that no one understands us.

If you are feeling lonely, isolated, or discouraged about your relationships here are some things to consider:

1. In times of disconnection like this (which is no one’s fault) it is normal to question your relationships or to feel insecure. That doesn’t mean those feelings are speaking truth to you.

2. The enemy is prowling like a lion even now seeking anyone he can devour. Don’t let him devour you with discouragement, self-pity, or lies.

3. God has a good plan for you even in isolation, and he will help you through the transitions back to normal community.

4. We most often find community when we reach out for it, not when we wait for it to happen.

This is not the time to lean away from people.
Even though we can't meet as a large community, this is a time to press in to relationships in whatever ways you can. You are not alone in your feelings of isolation. Some of your own friends are wishing someone would reach out to them.

Instead of waiting around for someone to come to you, text a friend, send an email, attend that Zoom Ohana group and let them know honestly how you’re doing, or speak to your neighbor across the street.

Take a step of faith in relationship, and put your focus on being the kind of friend to others that you are needing right now.You will find joy in being a blessing!


"Dear Jesus, you understand pain and human struggle. Thank you for seeing me where I am, as I am, and being the friend and comfort I need. Help me to keep my eyes on you and not my feelings. Help me to be the kind of friend that others desperately need. Thank you for being sufficient to meet ALL of my needs. Amen."

An Idea:

Reach out to 3 friends via text or email (or however you usually communicate) and ask how they are doing, ask how you can pray for them, and see if they want to talk.

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